Friday, 9 December 2011

Halloween Town Reflection

1. What did you like most about your game?

What I liked most about my game, is how creative it is, it's kind of depressing colours, I also liked the pumpkin sun in the second ground level, and I like the third ground level the most because, i like the curly mountain, and jack with sally on top of the mountain.

2. What did you like least about your redesigned game?

What I liked least about my game is that the paint job was horrible in my opinion, I thought that i could have spent more time in designing this game, and payed more attention to detail.

3. Why is your version better then the original?

I think that my version of the Moonlander game is better because, the original is sort of plain, it's not eye catching, I think that mine not be the best, but in my opinion it's definately better, mine has more colour, more objects, and an amount of detail.

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